Finding utility data
should be easy.

Don't waste your time scouring the internet or building spreadsheets to answer your utility questions. Your answers are only a few clicks away.

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20+ Years of Data Simplified

Energy Information Administration data is difficult to work with, but full of great insights. We make it easy.

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Benchmarking, accountability, and more

Explore trends and insights from more than 3,000 utilities.

Whether you need a concise summary of your own utility's performance over many years or a custom benchmark to neighboring utilities' prices or reliability, you can find it in minutes.


Residential rate surveys and lengthy Public Service Commission dockets don't always show a complete, easily digestible picture of a state's utilities. Compare utilities across a state by ownership type and more across many different metrics.


Local and statewide economic developers and consultants need more than a utility's word about pricing for prospective businesses. 20 years of trends is a great place to start.

Economic Developers

Grid technology companies can quickly find utilities with poor reliability metrics or high line losses leading to easy sales. Solar vendors can search net metering data and identify fast growing areas.


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